Energy Saving
In years of big changes M Pumps is not missing the opportunity to give its part, and to contribute to the necessary renewal of many aspects of our life.
Since its born M Pumps has always had in mind the respect for human being and the environment and this is recognizable and intrinsically ingrained in the innovative products developed in the years. Taking a look to how M Pumps is reacting to the scenario changing, it’s possible to identify two clear paths. One is related to the product itself, the continuous research and development and the efforts aimed to give to the market the most advanced and with lowest possible CO2 footprint products possible.
About this, in 2011 M Pumps patented an innovative solution, with patent number WO2013064857A1, denominated “Device for transmitting power through rotating magnetic fields”, this is commonly known as “hybrid containment shell”; thanks to this innovation, we are proud to say that M Pumps contributed to reduce CO2 emissions of approx. 276.600 Tons since its applicationIn years of big changes M Pumps is not missing the opportunity to give its part, and to contribute to the necessary renewal of many aspects of our life.
What is even more important is that on the way to reduce CO2 emission, this innovation will contribute to save approx. 750.000 Tons CO2 from now to 2035.
In addition to this, M Pumps looked at its production cycle and since 2007 started an ambitious energy saving program.
The use of new materials and technologies it’s home in M Pumps, an example, in 2014 M Pumps started its first 3D printing laboratory. Understood that this could become a great opportunity to reduce time to market, it has been clear since the beginning that also CO2 footprint would have been positively impacted.
Imagine producing special pumps parts without need of tooling’s and patterns, and related raw materials and machining needed to achieve these. Imagine to completely eliminate wax injection phase, and to replace it with a low energy process of 3D printing.
The opportunity given by these technologies are certainly important.
The adoption of new simulation software’s to optimize components design and to optimize the hydraulic efficiency, and whit these, the reduction of CO2 emissions.
On the other hand, understood that the complete production cycle is impacting onto the CO2 footprint, since many years M Pumps started to optimize even these aspects.
Following this idea, new buildings produced in 2007 and 2013 have been designed with the most advanced criteria, with high insulation levels and a special heating floor, present in the whole workshop area. This contributed at same time to increase quality of life inside the building and to reduce the CO2 footprint of the company of 25% respect to the traditional building system. More recently M Pumps replaced the roof of first building, with a new one even more insulated.
In 2022 two important CNC machine has been bought in replacement of older ones. Thanks to the new technologies, and the adoption of inverters, these machines will reduce the emission of approx. 45 Tons CO2 up to 2035.
On the way of the CO2 reduction, now we are proud to present the latest M Pumps investment on the way to the emission reduction. In fact, the first phase of installation of solar power plant has been completed, and today M Pumps produced its first green energy.
The new plant has an installed power of 72 kW, and it’s designed to bear the electric consumption of over 35%, saving around 176 Tons of CO2 every year, approx. 2300 Tons CO2 up to 2035.
In the following 24 months is expected to be installed the second phase, which will drive to the reduction of over 75% of energy consumed, and two more new CNC machines.